Dental House is Opening April 2016 on Dublin’s Aungier Street.
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The most accurate and quickest method to straighten crooked teeth is through wearing fixed braces on your teeth.

Fixed lingual brackets are attached to the backs of your teeth, and a wire inserted between them. The tension in the wire gradually moves your teeth. That tension can be adjusted to move teeth individually with great accuracy.

Invisalign is an almost invisible alignment system. Patient’s use a series of aligners to move their teeth. They look like gum shields. The system is easy for patients to use, but treatment does tend to take longer and can only achieve relatively minor tooth movement, more complicated cases will need a full fixed braces.

Fixed lingual braces are more accurate than Invisalign aligners. Lingual braces allow Dr Perry to have precise control over the movement of your teeth. This is why Lingual braces work more quickly than Invisalign aligners

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