Dental House is Opening April 2016 on Dublin’s Aungier Street.
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Dental Tourism

It’s estimated that globally over 40 million people per year go abroad for dental treatment.

So why are people doing this?

Many Irish people are are traveling up to the North or to eastern Europe to get their dental procedures carried out. Why? Primarily because procedures are offered at much lower prices.


I specialise in lingual braces, these are technologically advanced braces. They give patients a great smile, and they work invisibly. But it takes great skill to use lingual braces. I’ve undertaken 2 years of additional post graduate training in lingual orthodontics, thats on top of my dental and orthodontics degrees. There are not many orthodontists who have this skill set. Would you take the risk with a poorly qualified dentist?

Some argue that cheaper prices abroad mean lower standards. This is not necessarily true. But things are often rushed because you have a flight or bus to catch home.

Is it really cheaper to go abroad? Think about the additional costs: travel, hotels, food, time off work, these all rack up.


Treatments such as orthodontics take many visits, so thats several long trips you would have to commit to over a period of a couple of years. Maybe one a month!

What happens if you have a dental emergency? It’s difficult and expensive to book a flight with short notice. Every week we have people call us asking for ‘emergency’ treatment, for treatment they have had carried out abroad. We are never able to help them. Firstly for insurance, and secondly because it would be helping the competition!

Assuming that you’re happy to travel you also have to consider the issue regulations, or lack thereof. Ireland has amongst the highest clinical standards in the world. We bench mark our procedures against international best practice. The same can not be said of many other countries. We also have stringent laws protecting patients’ rights.

You really need to consider the pros and cons before you decide to go abroad for treatment. The risks are many, and in reality you may never make any savings.

My advice to patients is find the best person you can for any given treatment, not the cheapest. If you really can’t afford treatment from a reputable local specialist, wait, save up and save yourself a lot of potential trouble.

To book an appointment with Dr Perry please email

Or visit us at  Dental house for a full list of our services and corresponding fees.

Opening April 2016

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