Your children’s oral health and brushing habits can have a huge impact on their long-term dental health

We know that helping your child get into the habit of brushing twice a day for two minutes is not an easy task so we have developed our 5 top tips to make brushing fun for your little ones.

Start a Routine and Stick to It

It may be tempting to let your child skip brushing after a long day or during times when your normal schedule is off (like school holidays), but keep at it. The more second nature brushing becomes the easier it will be to make sure your child is brushing twice a day for two minutes.

Reward Good Brushing Behaviour

Make a reward chart and let your child add a sticker every time they brush.

When the number of stickers build up, treat your child with a trip to the playground or the cinema.

Characters Count

Who is your child’s favourite cartoon character? Many children’s shows and books, including Sesame Street, have stories about tooth brushing. Watch and read them together, so when it’s time to brush you can use that character as a good example.

Go Shopping

Let your child pick out their own toothbrush and toothpaste.  Choosing a character toothbrush might make brushing more fun, and fluoride toothpastes come in a variety of flavours and colours.

Make Brushing a Family Affair

Children learn from their parents, so set a good example. The family that brushes together has even more reason to smile together.

For more information about your children’s dental health, make an appointment with our general dentist Dr Rory O’Reilly today.

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