Dental House is Opening April 2016 on Dublin’s Aungier Street.
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The following is a list of questions that parents and guardians should ask concerning in-office sedation or general anaesthesia for their children in their dental clinic;

  • Who will provide the pre-operative evaluation of the child including their past medical history such as allergies, current prescription medications, previous illnesses and prior hospitalizations?
  • What is the recommended time that the child should be fasting prior to the procedure?
  • Will any sedation medication be given to the child at home before the come to the clinic and, if so, how should they be monitored?
  • What training and experience does the anaesthesia provider have in administiring the level of sedation or anaesthesia that is planned for the procedure?
  • Does the staff assisting in the procedure have current training in emergency resuscitation procedures, such as Basic Life Support for Healthcare Providers, and other advanced resuscitation courses as recommended by the IDA Guidelines? Is this training renewed regularly?
  • In addition to the use of local anesthesia (numbing), what level of sedation or general anesthesia will be given to the child? Is it minimal sedation (relaxed and awake), moderate sedation (sleepy but awake), deep sedation (barely awake) or general anesthesia (unconscious)?
  • How will the child be monitored before, during and after the procedure until he or she is released to go home?
  • Will the sedation/anesthesia provider give me instructions and emergency contact information if there are any concerns or complications when the child returns home?

If you would like to find out more about your child’s options visit us at Dental House today.

Opening April 2016

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