Dental House is Opening April 2016 on Dublin’s Aungier Street.
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We regularly hear our patients tell us that they simply cannot manage flossing. It’s too awkward, it takes too much time or, they’re not sure if they’re doing it right. On these occasions, we recommend that they use a dental flosser.

What is a flosser?

Fundamentally, it is a piece of dental floss on a handle.  Many types of these dental flossers are available, and any of them will help promote oral health when you use them properly to clean between and around teeth. Which flosser you choose comes down to personal preference.  However, we would suggest that you look for a model with a long handle for easier holding and a compact head that makes it easier to reach behind the back teeth.

Types of flossers

Some flossers are disposable while others have disposable, refillable heads. You may also buy flossers that have specially designed handles with no-slip grips which make them even easier to hold. Other flossers have an area that works as a tongue scraper, and some come in smaller child-friendly sizes.

Battery-powered flossers are another alternative.  It vibrates to massage your gums while cleaning around them.

You might also consider a Waterpik Water Flosser.

Opening April 2016- Aungier Street
Opening Summer 2016- Smithfield Plaza
“Confidence in our care”

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