Dental House is Opening April 2016 on Dublin’s Aungier Street.
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Bad breath or halitosis, can be mortifying. The good news is though, you are not alone! In actual fact, approximately 85% of people with persistent halitosis have a dental condition that is to blame. Gum disease, oral cancer, cavities,dry mouth and tongue bacteria are some of the dental problems that may be the cause. Fortunately, prevention is easier than you think. The following advice will help you eliminate or at the very least, significantly reduce your halitosis. If you experience it chronically however, it is advisable to schedule an appointment with us or with your doctor to rule out any more sinister causes for this embarrassing condition.

a slice of cheese with stink lines coming from it

Cheesestink Clip Art Brush and floss your teeth twice a day, especially after meals that contain food and spices known to cause a whiff. Be sure to brush your tongue, or try using a tongue scraper, to remove any trapped food and plaque caught in the tiny hair-like fibres on your tongue. Finish off brushing by rinsing carefully with water or with mouthwash.

  • Visit us on a regular basis (every six months or as indicated) for a complete examination of your teeth and gums and a thorough cleaning by our hygienist.
  • Chew parsley after a meal. It contains chlorophyll, which is known to be a natural breath freshener.
  • Place a few drops of peppermint oil on your tongue or use it on your toothbrush along with your toothpaste. This oil is known for its antibacterial properties and will fight off halitosis-causing bacteria.
  • Smoking cessation is the only way to eliminate halitosis from the use of cigarettes, which is also responsible for periodontal disease.
  • A dry mouth is a major factor when it comes to bad breath. Sip water throughout the day and during meals. Chew sugar-free gum or dissolve a sugar-free candy slowly in your mouth to help promote saliva production./li>
  • Occasionally use a mixture of 50% hydrogen peroxide and 50% water, as a mouth rinse. Hydrogen peroxide will help kill the bacteria that cause bad breath.
  • The use of over-the-counter breath freshening kits and bad breath remedies may help prevent halitosis.

Before you invest in these products, be sure to consult a member of the Dental House team. We can advise you on the best course of action for your particular needs.

Opening April 2016

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