PRSI Dental Check

It is recommended to visit your dentist at least once a year for your PRSI Dental check up. Regular dental care and maintaining good dental health is important to overall health and wellbeing.

We recommend that you visit your dentist at least once a year for your full and free PRSI Dental health check. This ensures that any possible dental health issues are detected early and it allows us to take appropriate action swiftly.

Dental patient having their PRSI Dental Check up and free teeth cleaning and scale and polish

PRSI Dental Scheme

The Dental Treatment Benefit Scheme or PRSI Dental Scheme is run by the Department of Social Protection that provides free dental services to anyone who qualifies.

To qualify for treatment you must be one of the following: an insured PRSI worker, self-employed or retired and have the required number of PRSI contributions paid for the relevant tax year. (There are different rules and exceptions if you are over 66 years old).

Find out more about your Dental Benefit entitlements at

We can check your eligibility for you by calling  01 537 8045 email us or complete our online secure form.

PRSI Dental Entitlements

Do you know what your PRSI Dental Entitlements are? Under the Treatment Benefit Scheme eligible patients are entitled to Free Dental Benefits.  If you pay PRSI, you may be entitled to:

An Annual FREE Dental Exam Plus a €15.00 PRSI Scale & Polish. 

PRSI Dental Treatment

Your PRSI Dental Treatment includes a full dental health review which may include a tooth mobility, jaw and gum health check plus an entire mouth health screening.

PRSI Teeth Cleaning

Once your dental health check has been carried out, your Dentist or Hygienist will perform your scale and polish treatment. Your PRSI teeth cleaning removes plaque and tartar above and below the gumline and cleans away any superficial stains.

Among other benefits it helps eliminate bacteria which can lead to bad breath and gum disease. It also keeps your smile looking bright and beautiful!

Schedule Your Dental Health Check Now

All Dental House Clinicians are fully registered with the Irish Dental Council in order to provide you with this service.

PRSI Scale and Polish

It is recommended that you have your PRSI scale and polish treatment at least once a year but preferably every 6 months to ensure long-term dental health.  Remember…healthy gums are the foundation to a perfect smile and optimum dental health.

We look forward to seeing you in a Dental House Clinic soon!